With growing inflation and economic crisis, people are finding it difficult to make ends meet. The growing rate of unemployment isn't helping their case either. Amidst all these factors it is impossible for people to have any kind of savings.Banking institutions provide a whole range of financial products to help you grow your wealth, but these products require you to wait a long period of time before you start seeing some actual returns. You could try your own hand at investing to shorten the time period on returns, but if you aren't careful you may end up making a bad situation even worse. Here are three basic things to help the average person make good investments.
Buying Low
As with any commodity you must buy stocks at the lowest possible price to make a profit. The best possible time to buy stocks is when the stock market is down. Business Magnate Donald Trump believes, an economic crisis is the best time to buy anything, as you can get the best possible deal. There is no point in buying worthless stocks at a low price. Before investing in a company's stock, you must know every little detail about it, such as itshighest and lowest selling point. This will give you an idea on when to buy and when to sell.
Selling High
The obvious conclusion to buying stocks at a low price is to sell them at a high one. Although it may seem like a no brainer, the average investor doesn't always reach that summit. People wait forever to watch their stock prices rise. To avoid this uncertainty, you must be aware of the company's future endeavors, whether or not there is a new product on the horizon that may stimulate the price. Having information about the field in general will also prove to be beneficial. Government policies and foreign markets may have a bearing on your price. This research will provide you with a time frame before you see returns on your investments.
Stop Loss
This is the most important term an investor should be aware of. This is the point where you must abandon ship or risk sinking with it. A stop loss is a fail-safe against incurring massive loss due to a sudden drop in price. You decide on a price that is lower than the buy, where you put a stop loss. If the share price happens to plummet, you will be able to get out at the stop loss price before the share crashes. It is a good practice never to invest in a stock without a stop loss,a stop loss can be put about 10 points below the buy price to avoid coming out of an investment due to market fluctuation.
Among the top stock exchanges are NYSE, NASDAQ, LSE, SEHK and ASX. There are online games available to help you get the hang of creating and managing a portfolio before you start investing. Trading and charting softwares are also available that enable you to buy and sell stocks online along with keeping track of all your investments.