The stock brokers involved in the financial services industry always have the same piece of advice for their clients, diversify and scatter the money across various investment opportunities, that way if one doesn't turn out as everyone expects, you won't have lost everything. In addition to investing in stocks and bonds, you should consider financing some infrastructure projects.
Investors have truly started to realize that there's more available than just Wall Street for investing their money. More and more investors have expressed interest in global infrastructure funds. What investors like you will enjoy about becoming involved with these types of funds will be that they're more stable than other investment opportunities and enjoy having additional backing by the government. Best of all, they have the kind of growth that makes investing exciting.
What Are Infrastructure Bonds?
It's important to note that infrastructure investments differ from purchasing traditional stocks. To begin with, instead of investing in a company that's already established, you will be investing in a public project that has generally been created by the government, though some private companies will occasionally have an infrastructure stock to sell. Typical infrastructure projects include building airports, public parks, apartment buildings, museums, and parking ramps. The upfront costs of these projects will be high, which is why lots of investors are required.
Possible Tax Breaks
If you decide that infrastructure bonds sound like an exciting investment opportunity, it's in your best interest to look for a project that has the government's backing. These projects have a greater chance of reaching completion than some privately managed programs, and will usually provide a significant return on your investment. The best part will be that, according to Section 80 CCF of the Income-Tax Act your investment could be eligible for a fairly significant tax break.
Not everyone will be able to claim the tax break. The government wants to encourage large investments, something that will really help the project get rolling; therefore you'll have to make a minimum investment of Rest 5,000. The average return on this type of investment ranges from 8-10%.
When you decide to start using your money for financing projects you need to be prepared to stick with the investment for a very long time to come. In addition to the high start up costs, the projects looking for backers almost always have very long lives. It could be years before you'll get a return on your money.
There Aren't Any Guarantees
Although the odds are good you'll make a nice profit on your infrastructure investment, you shouldn't let yourself think it's a sure deal. Sometimes the projects fail to meet early expectations and the return on the investment will be disappointing. Careful, in depth research helps decrease the odds of you losing the money you invested, but you still need to be careful that you don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
There's one huge, emotional perk to investing in an infrastructure that you simply won't get from stocks and bonds. You can always visit the structure and bask in the knowledge that you helped create something permanent and special that thousands of people will be able to enjoy.