It can be very difficult to find good employees when you really need them. Many employers who are in a rush to find someone to fill a position often make mistakes that end up being costly later on. There are ways to avoid these common mistakes if you take the time to remind yourself of them.
Don't ignore your instincts. Sometimes your gut just knows that hiring a certain person is a bad idea. Trust your instincts. From years of experience, your brain knows what to look for in an employee, and apparently this person just does not have what it takes. Your body most likely knows it before you are even aware of it. Trust your feelings, or set up a second interview to see if you still feel the same in a few days.
Don't rely on someone else's judgment. Many applicants are referred to employers through people who have connections to you or your business. Just because they were referred to you through a trusted friend or employee doesn't mean that they are right for your business. You must take the time to get to know the applicant just as you would do for any other applicant.
This job seeker may not be all that was told to you. You should not feel bad about not hiring someone's brother or down-on-his-luck nephew. Business is not personal, and you should not hire someone who is beneath your standards. Do what is best for your business and not what is best for your friends.
Don't rely on the applicant's references. You may think that contacting the applicant's references is a sure way to know whether the person is responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. However, anyone could be listed as a reference. Do you really know that you are talking to someone who is an adequate judge of character? Are you really speaking to the person listed on the application?
Don't forget to ask for a signature for an employment background check. Asking a potential employee to consent to a screening will truly allow you to know who this person is. You will be able to find out how long they have been at a particular job, whether or not they have any related work experience, and much more. You may also request consent for criminal background and credit checks.
Applicants who do not want the truth to be known will often steer clear of these requests. It is a great deterrent for applicants who are less than trustworthy or responsible. You will be protecting your business and your employees with these types of checks.
Remember to hold out for the right employee to come along. It can be very tempting to want to hire the first person that comes along for a position, especially when you may not have had a lot of applicants for the position. You still need to make an informed decision before hiring anyone, even if you are in desperate need of a new employee.
Always start a trial employment first. Trial employment can give you time to really assess an employee to make sure that he or she is the right fit for the job. Be clear about the temporary position, when the trial period is over, and what to expect during this trial period.
You will feel much more empowered and informed when following these practices regarding the hiring of new employees. You are liable for every employee that you hire, so you need to know who you are hiring and what you can expect from them. In return, they also need to know what to expect from you. Be clear about your intentions to get to know them and then follow through with your actions.