If you're a construction worker or a tradesman and you work under PAYE tax, you could be claiming back hundreds of pounds a year in tax refunds that you're entitled to! Whether you work on a temporary construction site or as a tradesman, you can claim a tax refund on accommodation, travel expenses, specialist clothing, tools and even the cost of buying a sandwich to eat on site. So make sure you make the most of your claims and get a tax refund!
Living Expenses
Construction workers and tradesmen working on temporary sites can make tax claims for the cost of accommodation and subsistence, even if the employer has provided an allowance for temporary site workers, including a food allowance. Any site that you are working on for 24 months or less is classed as a temporary site and you can claim back up to four years of tax provided you have kept receipts from where you stayed and records of where you worked and when you worked there.
Travel Expenses
If you've received a travel allowance from your employers or if you have had no allowance at all you can make a claim for travel expenses. You can get a tax refund for the cost of travelling to and from work in your own car or of using public transport. If you're travelling in your own vehicle you can claim a mileage allowance of 45p for every mile you travel, unless you travel more than 10,000 miles when the rate is reduced to 25p. You can get a tax refund on your public travel expenses using your travel tickets as evidence in lieu of a receipt.
Clothing and Tools
You can make a claim to clean, repair or replace specialist clothing and tools but not for initially purchasing them. You can still claim if your employer has provided and allowance and you can provide receipts for proof of purchase. If you're not sure what constitutes specialist clothing it's safe to assume that specialist boots, helmets, protective gloves, high vis jackets and anything that you are required to wear by health and safety law can be claimed on.
It's great to know that it's possible to get a tax refund for all of these things if you're a construction worker or a tradesman, but if you weren't aware you could claim then you probably didn't keep receipts. However, it is still worth pursuing a claim with the help of a tax claim specialist. You can enlist the help of a company that specialises in making claims for PAYE construction workers and tradesmen even if you don't have receipts or proof of purchase from the last four years. In most cases you can simply fill in a quick online form and the tax claim company will do the rest - and you won't have to pay if your claim is unsuccessful. So don't miss out on the tax refunds you're entitled to and make that claim!